Highlights of Pecan Grove MUD Meeting – December 19, 2024
The regular monthly meeting of the Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District was held at the Pecan Grove Administration Building at 5:00 p.m. on December 19, 2024. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 21, 2025, in the PGMUD Community/Administration building at 12:00 p.m., noon.
During public comments, Mark Miliken asked about plans to clean up the area near Belin Park. Paul Metcalf asked about having a sidewalk from Pecan Grove Park walking trail to the Administration building.
Lieutenant Holz of the Precinct 1 Constable’s office attended the meeting and introduced our new security deputy constables. Director Crow complimented new Deputy Hernandez on the important job he is performing as the director was given a warning citation for failing to come to a complete stop at a stop sign.
PGVFD Report – December 2024
Park and Facilities Report
In December, several dead trees were removed in the back of Pecan Grove Park. The pavilions at PG Park and Windmill Park due to vandalism.
The HVAC problems at the Administration building are in the process of being resolved with AAON, the manufacturer. See Engineers report.
The tennis court fencing is being repaired and broken sidewalks have been replaced. The workout building repairs are complete and looking great when the facility opened on December 23, 2024.
Operator’s Report – Si Environmental, LLC
There is an anomaly in the amount produced number that is being investigated.
November 2024 testing showed that the drinking water and wastewater systems met the state and federal compliance standards for disinfection and there were no permit excursions for the month.
The replacement of the SWTP automation valve is complete as is the CLO2 meter. The repair of Raw Water pump and motor #2 are complete and the replacement of Raw Water motor #3 is complete. Also completed in the last month was the replacement of the check valve at Water Plant #2. The repair of the levee gate near the country club was completed.
The repair of the raw water pump and motor both #1 and #2 at the SWTP and the repair of Lift Station #9 lift pump are in process. Also in process is the installation of cameras at four district facilities.
The fire hydrant repairs plus the painting of 412 hydrants with only 30 hydrants left to repair. The replacement of missing or broken blue dots is in process.
Si Environmental requested authorization to replace the SWTP Skid C pump and motor plus the purchase of a surge protection device at Water Plant #2 and the repair of the altitude valve at the elevated storage tank.
The annual shutdown of the SWTP for scheduled maintenance will begin February 1, 2025. At that time the annual exchange of the Activated Charcoal will be performed.
The program to replace high usage residence meters continues in the district with 1,658 meters replaced since January 2023.
Please remember to call Si Enviro first if you have an outside water leak.