The regular monthly meeting of the Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District was held at the Pecan Grove Community/Administration building at 3:30 p.m. on January 30, 2024. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26, 2024, in the PGMUD Community/Administration building at 12:30 p.m.
Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office
Monthly Contract Report for February 2024
PGVFD Report – February 2024
Parks Report
The flags at Memorial and Pecan Grove Park have been replaced.
The first stationary workout fixtures for the West end of the Park are on order.
The bench commemorating Joe Wooley’s service to Pecan Grove still needs final lettering.
The additional trees for the park will be a mix of Fort Bend County donated trees and purchased so that we can get viable and aesthetic trees. Planting should occur in March
A new remote operated gate for Pecan Grove Park is on order and will be installed soon.
Operator’s Report – Si Environmental, LLC
January 2024 testing showed that the drinking water system met the state and federal compliance standard for disinfection and there were no permit excursions for the month.
At the SWTP the ClO2 batch tank B replacement is in process as well as the replacement of the peak cap bearings and shaft set collars for the idler shaft in the rectangular collector. On Filter Skid C a total of 4 membranes have been delivered; the annual GAC exchange was completed on February 5.
The replacement of the sidewalk along Plantation Drive In front of Memorial Park is complete.
The sanitary sewer manhole survey is in process.
The following repairs or replacements are in process: a portable generator for the lift stations is on order with delivery in 6-7 months; replacement of the guide rail system at the WWTP is pending;
Replacement of 2 sulfur dioxide scales at the WWTP as well as the #1 sludge pump at the WWTP is complete. The WWTP the incoming potable water backflow will be replaced as well as the chlorine regulator.
The inspection for district lines containing lead and or copper (pre- 1989) mandated by the EPA should begin in March.
Replacement of Pump #1 and #2 for Lift Station #5 are in process.
The annual maintenance shutdown of the SWTP has been completed.
The program to replace high usage residence meters in the district has replaced 1,531 meters since January 2023 with 46 this month.
Please remember to call Si Enviro first, if you have an outside water leak.