The regular monthly meeting of the Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District was held at the Pecan Grove Community/Administration building at noon on January 30, 2024. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 27, 2024, in the PGMUD Community/Administration building at 3:30 p.m.
Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office
Monthly Contract Report for January 2024
PGVFD Report – January 2024
Auditor’s Report
McGrath & Co., PLLC reported that their limited audit provided “reasonable assurance” that the financial statements as a whole of the District for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023, are “free from material misstatement”. A copy of the audit has been posted to the district’s website.
Parks Report
The first stationary workout fixtures for the West end of the Park are on order. The Pour and Place surface will be installed in the near future.
The bench commemorating Joe Wooley’s service to Pecan Grove needs final lettering and landscaping.
The additional trees for the park will be a mix of Fort Bend County donated trees and purchased trees so that we can get viable and aesthetic trees.
A new remote operated gate for Pecan Grove Park is on order and should be installed this winter.
Chain link backstops at PG Park have been replaced as well as lights and outlets at Memorial Park.
Operator’s Report – Si Environmental, LLC
December 2023 testing showed that the drinking water system met the state and federal compliance standard for disinfection and there were no permit excursions for the month.
At the SWTP the sludge thickener drive repair is complete, as well as the replacement of the 3” backflow device for the raw water canons and the 4” backflow for the belt press. On Filter Skids A and B a total of 6 membranes have been delivered; the South Stormwater Pump Station #4 pump is repaired.
At Water Plant #1 Booster Pump #3 motor has been repaired as well as #4 pump. The motor repair for #4 pump is in process.
Sidewalk at Bullhead and Farmer Road has been replace and the replacement of the sidewalk at Memorial Park is in process.
The sanitary sewer manhole survey is in process.
The following repairs or replacements are in process: a portable generator for the lift stations is on order with delivery in 8-9 months; replacement of the guide rail system at the WWTP is in process; replacement of the damaged ClO2 tank at the WWTP; replacement of 2 sulfur dioxide scales at the WWTP as well as the #1 sludge pump at the WWTP.
The board authorized Si Enviro to replace Pump #1 and #2 for Lift Station #5 as well as the ClO2 Mixer Generator at the SWTP; to buy 4 membrane modules for Skid C at the SWTP; to buy collars and bearings for the idler shaft of the SWTP rectangular collector for the annual maintenance shutdown at that plant.
The annual maintenance shutdown of the SWTP has started and will take most of February. Before the shutdown, GM Services completed performance testing of all the district’s wells with no problems noted.
At the end of January the SWTP will be taken off line for annual maintenance and the district will draw all its source water from our wells
The program to replace high usage residence meters in the district has replaced 1,342 meters this year with 32 this month.
Please remember to call Si Enviro first, if you have an outside water leak.