Let Us Recycle Those Christmas Trees!

Once again, the District will pick up – and recycle – all clean Christmas trees placed curbside. The dates for recycling are:

  • Thursday, January 2nd
  • Thursday, January 9th

Please remove your tree base and make sure your tree is not over 5 feet in height before placing your tree curbside.

Trees with flocking, lights, ornaments or other decorations cannot be recycled, so place only clean trees at the curb by 7:00 AM. Please do your part this Holiday season to cut down on the unnecessary use of landfill space.

We also encourage you, throughout the year, to fill up those curbside recycling carts.

For items not accepted in carts, please call or visit the Fort Bend County Recycle/Environmental Center at 1200 Blume Road, on the western edge of the Rosenberg city limits.

Fort Bend County Road & Bridge Completes First Round of Storm Debris Collection in Pecan Grove: Second Passthrough Planned

Fort Bend County Road & Bridge has completed its first round of large storm debris collection, which includes construction and fence debris in Pecan Grove. They will return for a second passthrough at a later date.

Regular garbage service continues to resumes throughout the District. If you have any questions related to storm debris pickup, please contact the County at 608-492-0522.

Extra Service for Bagged Debris

GFL will make a special passthrough in Pecan Grove on Saturday, July 20th to pick up bagged storm debris only. Have these items curbside by 7am. Please make sure these items are separated from large storm debris and visible for the crews. Do not park in the streets as trucks are having a difficult time collecting storm debris. Recycling service will resume normal pickup Monday, July 22nd.

Fort Bend County continues picking up large storm debris. For up to date information regarding storm debris pickup, please visit Fort Bend County Homeland Security and Emergency Management social media page.

Update Regarding Trash Service with GFL

In the wake of the hurricane and the large amounts of debris left from its path, it would be impossible for us to provide normal collection and be able to service all residents in your area.

By prioritizing and ensuring that ALL regular household garbage is collected each day and this weekend, we are preventing unsanitary conditions from happening in our neighborhoods.

This means we have limit regular bulk/green waste to three (3) bagged items outside the can and suspend recycle collection for the next week of July 15th.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to get back to normal.


As early as Saturday, July 13th, Fort Bend County Road & Bridge will begin large storm debris collection. Please know it will take days for them to make rounds in Pecan Grove, so we are asking for patience during this time.

In order to recycle as many materials as possible, residents are asked to separate disaster debris into the following piles:

  • Construction and Demolition Materials (fence pickets, sheet rock, brick, etc)
  • Electronic Waste
  • Household Hazardous Waste
  • White Goods (large electrical goods used domestically such as refrigerators and washing machines, typically white in color)
  • Vegetative materials (trees, limbs, brush, leaves, etc.)


Place the debris piles at the curb in the public right-of-way in front of your home or business as soon as possible. If debris is in the road or in your front yard, it will not be picked up.

Please do not block any public utility such as:

  • fire hydrants
  • water valves/meters
  • road signs
  • manholes
  • street signs

If properly separated, it will be picked up by crews. For the remainder of your household garbage, bagged storm debris and small bundled green waste, GFL is continuing to pick these items up until all have been collected.

For up to date information regarding storm debris pickup, please visit Fort Bend County Homeland Security and Emergency Management social media page.


Pecan Grove MUD Hurricane Beryl Update: Storm Debris Collection and Service Changes

Pecan Grove MUD has been working diligently over the lasts 24 hours with our Consultants to work through issues in the District following Hurricane Beryl.

Regarding larger storm debris, Fort Bend County Road & Bridge is coordinating the collection and removal of disaster debris within Fort Bend County to begin early next week.  For up to date information regarding this collection, please visit Fort Bend County Homeland Security and Emergency Management social media page.

Thursday, July 11th, GFL will be out in Pecan Grove picking up normal household garbage. In addition, GFL will pick up separate small green storm debris. This storm debris must be no more than 4” in diameter, bundled less than 4 feet in length, and less than 40 lbs. Please separate your household garbage and small storm debris away from large storm debris. GFL has temporarily suspended recycle service this week to focus on the regular trash. Please be patient as they make their way through the community.

Pecan Grove Parks are closed until further notice due to the amount of storm debris.  Our grounds maintenance company is working to remove all the fallen trees and will provide updates once they are safe to access.

We will share more information as it becomes available. Thank you for your patience during this time. Remember to check on your neighbors and friends.

Pecan Grove MUD Board of Directors

Garbage Service Suspended for Today

Attention!!! Pecan Grove!

Garbage Service have been suspended for Monday, January 15th.

GFL, our waste collection company, has ceased all trash collections effective at noon today due to the weather conditions.

Regular collections will resume on Thursday, January 18th.

Thank you for your cooperation.