Let Us Recycle Those Christmas Trees!
Once again, the District will pick up – and recycle – all clean Christmas trees placed curbside. The dates for recycling are:
- Thursday, January 2nd
- Thursday, January 9th
Please remove your tree base and make sure your tree is not over 5 feet in height before placing your tree curbside.
Trees with flocking, lights, ornaments or other decorations cannot be recycled, so place only clean trees at the curb by 7:00 AM. Please do your part this Holiday season to cut down on the unnecessary use of landfill space.
We also encourage you, throughout the year, to fill up those curbside recycling carts.
For items not accepted in carts, please call or visit the Fort Bend County Recycle/Environmental Center at 1200 Blume Road, on the western edge of the Rosenberg city limits.