The regular monthly meeting of the Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District was held at the Pecan Grove Country Club at 3:30 p.m. on April 30, 2024. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21, 2024, in the PGMUD Community/Administration building at 3:30 p.m.
Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office
Monthly Contract Report for April 2024

PGVFD Report – April 2024

Country Club
A special meeting was held at the country club on April 17, 2024, to listen to residents’ thoughts on the proposed acquisition. A letter of intent was authorized and sent to the owners with earnest money. We have learned that the letter was accepted by the owners. There will be another special meeting on June 5, 2024, at the Country Club at 6:00 p.m. to communicate progress and allow residents to ask questions.
Parks Report
The Pecan Grove Property Owners Association (POA) has asked to plant a tree in Memorial Park in memory of Jim Ashmore, who was the long term president of the POA. The tree planting will occur probably late next fall when tree survival is better.
The POA held their annual Easter Egg hunt on March 30, 2024, at Pecan Grove Park on Pitts Road. This event has some problems due to overcrowding, parking violations and the presence of food vendors at the park. These concerns will need to be addressed before next year’s event.
One of the fountains at Pecan Grove Park has been repaired and the second fountain is waiting on delivery of parts to get it back in service.
The pavilion in the park was reserved 7 times in April and the reservations for May have been busy as well.
Operator’s Report – Si Environmental, LLC

March 2024 testing showed that the drinking water system met the state and federal compliance standard for disinfection and there were no permit excursions for the month.
At the SWTP the ClO2 batch tank B replacement has been completed. The replacement of the gate at the SWTP is in process and will be reimbursed by Fort Bend County. Replacement of the thickner torque monitor is in process as well as the shelter boxes.
The replacement of the booster check valve at Water Plant #3 is complete as is CL2 regulator at the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP). The incoming potable water backflow device is in process.
The district valve and manhole survey is complete.
In new actions needed, the coffing hoist at the WWTP was deemed unsafe and will be replaced; the hand wheel operator at the North storm water pump station will be replaced.
At the SWTP, the high service pump #1 piping will be repaired; the belt press poly feed system is going to be replaced; a bottom belt for inventory will be bought.
At Water Plant #1 booster pump check valves #1 and #2 will be replaced.
The inspection for district lines containing lead and or copper (pre-1989) mandated by the EPA has begun and must be completed by October 16, 2024. Of the 2,580 locations identified, the inspections have been completed on 315.
Reprogramming of district owned radios will be completed and returned by May 13, 2024.
The program to replace high usage residence meters in the district has replaced 1,613 meters since January 2023 with 16 this month.
On April 20,2024, the district started to receive calls about odor in the water. Extra testing was performed and even though a few of the samples did have odor the testing showed the water was safe to drink and passed all required tests.
Please remember to call Si Enviro first, if you have an outside water leak.