As early as Saturday, July 13th, Fort Bend County Road & Bridge will begin large storm debris collection. Please know it will take days for them to make rounds in Pecan Grove, so we are asking for patience during this time.

In order to recycle as many materials as possible, residents are asked to separate disaster debris into the following piles:

  • Construction and Demolition Materials (fence pickets, sheet rock, brick, etc)
  • Electronic Waste
  • Household Hazardous Waste
  • White Goods (large electrical goods used domestically such as refrigerators and washing machines, typically white in color)
  • Vegetative materials (trees, limbs, brush, leaves, etc.)


Place the debris piles at the curb in the public right-of-way in front of your home or business as soon as possible. If debris is in the road or in your front yard, it will not be picked up.

Please do not block any public utility such as:

  • fire hydrants
  • water valves/meters
  • road signs
  • manholes
  • street signs

If properly separated, it will be picked up by crews. For the remainder of your household garbage, bagged storm debris and small bundled green waste, GFL is continuing to pick these items up until all have been collected.

For up to date information regarding storm debris pickup, please visit Fort Bend County Homeland Security and Emergency Management social media page.


Pecan Grove MUD Hurricane Beryl Update: Storm Debris Collection and Service Changes

Pecan Grove MUD has been working diligently over the lasts 24 hours with our Consultants to work through issues in the District following Hurricane Beryl.

Regarding larger storm debris, Fort Bend County Road & Bridge is coordinating the collection and removal of disaster debris within Fort Bend County to begin early next week.  For up to date information regarding this collection, please visit Fort Bend County Homeland Security and Emergency Management social media page.

Thursday, July 11th, GFL will be out in Pecan Grove picking up normal household garbage. In addition, GFL will pick up separate small green storm debris. This storm debris must be no more than 4” in diameter, bundled less than 4 feet in length, and less than 40 lbs. Please separate your household garbage and small storm debris away from large storm debris. GFL has temporarily suspended recycle service this week to focus on the regular trash. Please be patient as they make their way through the community.

Pecan Grove Parks are closed until further notice due to the amount of storm debris.  Our grounds maintenance company is working to remove all the fallen trees and will provide updates once they are safe to access.

We will share more information as it becomes available. Thank you for your patience during this time. Remember to check on your neighbors and friends.

Pecan Grove MUD Board of Directors

Highlights of Pecan Grove MUD Meeting – June 25, 2024

The regular monthly meeting of the Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District was held at the Pecan Grove Administration Building at 12:00 p.m. on June 25, 2024. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 30, 2024, in the PGMUD Community/Administration building at 5:30 p.m.

Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office
Monthly Contract Report for June 2024PGVFD Report – June 2024

Parks Report

A picnic table at Pecan Grove Park was replaced due to damage as well as a damaged barbecue pit.

During the recent storm there were six hackberry trees that fell on the west end of Pecan Grove Park. These trees have been removed.

The weather also delayed the installation of the new workout equipment along the walking trail in Pecan Grove Park. Work began on July 1st and should take about seven days to complete.

Operator’s Report – Si Environmental, LLC

May 2024 testing showed that the drinking water system met the state and federal compliance standard for disinfection and there were no permit excursions for the month.

The replacement of the gate at the SWTP is in process and will be reimbursed by Fort Bend County. The repair of the flanged column piping on the High Service Pump is in process as is the replacement of the belt press poly feed system and the High Service Motor #3. Motors #1 and #2 will likely need replacement next year as they are past their warranty periods and were original equipment.

The replacement of the booster check valves #1 and #2 at Water Plant #1 is complete as is the replacement of the 4” incoming potable water RPZ backflow device at the WWTP.

The hand wheel operator at the North storm water pump station replacement is complete.

At Water Plant #1 8” Prop Meter and Totalizer replacement is in process.

The inspection for district lines containing lead and or copper (pre-1989) mandated by the EPA has begun and must be completed by October 16, 2024. Of the 2,580 locations identified, the inspections have been completed on 1,303 or about 50%.

The annual flushing of fire hydrants is complete with 3 hydrants inoperable and a few others needing repairs and the replacement of blue dot hydrant indicators is in process.

The solenoid valve manifold replacement at the SWTP was authorized as was the #3 mixer pump for the sedimentation basin.  Fabrication of an additional set of generator chords to allow use of the portable generators at multiple lift stations simultaneously was authorized as well as the replacement of the valve stem on the levee sluice gate behind Randalls.

The program to replace high usage residence meters in the district has replaced 1,628 meters since January 2023 with 2 this month.

The annual Consumer Confidence Report is available on line at the district’s website.

Please remember to call Si Enviro first, if you have an outside water leak.

Click here to view Projects Under Construction and Design.

PGMUD Town Hall Meeting on June 19, 2024

Over 200 people attended a town hall meeting in the Pecan Grove Country Club to hear an update on the purchase by Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District of the assets of Pecan Grove Golf, LLC., the current owners of the Club.

Those assets include the club building, the golf course, the tennis courts, the swimming pool, the exercise room with its equipment and adjacent property. If all the legal necessities are met this transaction should be complete by the end of August.

There were numerous concerns and questions raised by those in attendance, but if you want to learn more, please click here to see the Frequently Asked Questions that cover most of these concerns.

Tonight’s Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District Town Hall: Key Topics and Community Involvement

The Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District (PGMUD) Board of Directors is set to hold a special town hall meeting this evening, Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. This important gathering will take place at the Pecan Grove Country Club, located at 3000 Plantation Drive, Richmond, Texas. The meeting promises to be an informative and engaging event for all residents of the district, providing updates on significant district matters.

Key Agenda Items

The primary focus of this town hall will be a detailed presentation and discussion regarding the purchase and proposed lease of the Pecan Grove Country Club property. This acquisition and its potential lease arrangements are of considerable interest to the community, and the Board of Directors aims to provide thorough insights and address any concerns from the public.

In addition to this critical topic, the meeting will cover various other district matters that are pertinent to the residents. The Board of Directors is committed to ensuring transparency and encouraging active participation from community members in all district-related decisions.

Community Participation

The Board of Directors of PGMUD values the input and involvement of its residents. This town hall meeting is an excellent opportunity for community members to voice their opinions, ask questions, and gain a clearer understanding of the district’s plans and operations. By participating in this meeting, residents can play a vital role in shaping the future of their community.

For those planning to attend the meeting and require auxiliary aids or services, please contact the District’s attorney at (713) 860-6400 to make the necessary arrangements.

Join Us

We encourage all residents of the Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District to join us for this significant town hall meeting. Your presence and participation are invaluable as we work together to maintain and enhance our community. We look forward to seeing you there and hearing your thoughts on the important matters at hand.

Stay informed, get involved, and help make a difference in Pecan Grove!

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Town Hall on Future of Pecan Grove Country Club Land
• Town Hall Agenda (PDF)
Meeting Location:
Pecan Grove Country Club
3000 Plantation Drive Richmond, TX 77406

Pecan Grove MUD Meeting of June 4, 2024

A special meeting of the Pecan Grove MUD board of directors was held on June 4, 2024.

After meeting in executive session, the board voted to approve the Purchase and Sales Agreement (PSA) with Pecan Grove Country Club and submit this PSA to the owner along with additional earnest money.

We expect to hear back from the owner this week.

Highlights of Pecan Grove MUD Meeting – May 21, 2024

The regular monthly meeting of the Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District was held at the Pecan Grove Country Club at 3:30 p.m. on May 21, 2024. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 25, 2024, in the PGMUD Community/Administration building at 12:00 p.m.

Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office
Monthly Contract Report for May 2024

PGVFD Report – May 2024

Parks Report

The second water fountain at Pecan Grove Park is still waiting on delivery of parts to get it back in service.

The pavilion at Windmill Park was pressure washed in May.

The installation of the new workout equipment along the walking trail in Pecan Grove Park is scheduled to begin June 10, 2024, and should take about seven days to complete.

Operator’s Report – Si Environmental, LLC

April 2024 testing showed that the drinking water system met the state and federal compliance standard for disinfection and there were no permit excursions for the month.

At the SWTP the ClO2 batch tank B replacement has been completed. The replacement of the gate at the SWTP is in process and will be reimbursed by Fort Bend County. Replacement of the thickner torque monitor is complete as well as the shelter boxes. The repair of the flanged column piping on the High Service Pump is in process as well the replacement of the belt press poly feed system.

The replacement of the booster check valves #1 and #2 at Water Plant #1 is in process as is the replacement of the 4” incoming potable water RPZ backflow device at the WWTP.

The coffing hoist at the WWTP replacement is complete; the hand wheel operator at the North storm water pump station replacement is in process.

At the SWTP, the high service motor #3 will be replaced.

At Water Plant #1 8” Prop Meter and Totalizer will be replaced.

The inspection for district lines containing lead and or copper (pre-1989) mandated by the EPA has begun and must be completed by October 16, 2024. Of the 2,580 locations identified, the inspections have been completed on 545 or 21%.

The annual flushing of fire hydrants will begin the week of June 17th.

The program to replace high usage residence meters in the district has replaced 1,626 meters since January 2023 with 13 this month.

Please remember to call Si Enviro first, if you have an outside water leak.

Click here to view Projects Under Construction and Design.

Town Hall Meeting Postponed

The town hall meeting, originally scheduled for Wednesday, June 5, 2024, is being postponed. The new date is Wednesday, June 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. upstairs at the country club.

The reason for the delay is that in that two-week time frame, we expect to have a signed Purchase and Sales Agreement with the current owners, a proposed timeline for the most important steps that need to be completed, along with the assignment of responsibilities for those steps, and to let the public know that we are actively pursuing this property sale and the transfer of management to “The Club at Pecan Grove.”

Anyone who is interested in the progress of this project is invited to join us.

Steve Crow
Director PGMUD

Highlights of Pecan Grove MUD Meeting – April 30, 2024

The regular monthly meeting of the Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District was held at the Pecan Grove Country Club at 3:30 p.m. on April 30, 2024. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 21, 2024, in the PGMUD Community/Administration building at 3:30 p.m.

Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office
Monthly Contract Report for April 2024

PGVFD Report – April 2024

Country Club

A special meeting was held at the country club on April 17, 2024, to listen to residents’ thoughts on the proposed acquisition. A letter of intent was authorized and sent to the owners with earnest money. We have learned that the letter was accepted by the owners. There will be another special meeting on June 5, 2024, at the Country Club at 6:00 p.m. to communicate progress and allow residents to ask questions.

Parks Report

The Pecan Grove Property Owners Association (POA) has asked to plant a tree in Memorial Park in memory of Jim Ashmore, who was the long term president of the POA. The tree planting will occur probably late next fall when tree survival is better.

The POA held their annual Easter Egg hunt on March 30, 2024, at Pecan Grove Park on Pitts Road.  This event has some problems due to overcrowding, parking violations and the presence of food vendors at the park. These concerns will need to be addressed before next year’s event.

One of the fountains at Pecan Grove Park has been repaired and the second fountain is waiting on delivery of parts to get it back in service.

The pavilion in the park was reserved 7 times in April and the reservations for May have been busy as well.

Operator’s Report – Si Environmental, LLC

March 2024 testing showed that the drinking water system met the state and federal compliance standard for disinfection and there were no permit excursions for the month.

At the SWTP the ClO2 batch tank B replacement has been completed. The replacement of the gate at the SWTP is in process and will be reimbursed by Fort Bend County. Replacement of the thickner torque monitor is in process as well as the shelter boxes.

The replacement of the booster check valve at Water Plant #3 is complete as is CL2 regulator at the Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP). The incoming potable water backflow device is in process.

The district valve and manhole survey is complete.

In new actions needed, the coffing hoist at the WWTP was deemed unsafe and will be replaced; the hand wheel operator at the North storm water pump station will be replaced.

At the SWTP, the high service pump #1 piping will be repaired; the belt press poly feed system is going to be replaced; a bottom belt for inventory will be bought.

At Water Plant #1 booster pump check valves #1 and #2 will be replaced.

The inspection for district lines containing lead and or copper (pre-1989) mandated by the EPA has begun and must be completed by October 16, 2024. Of the 2,580 locations identified, the inspections have been completed on 315.

Reprogramming of district owned radios will be completed and returned by May 13, 2024.

The program to replace high usage residence meters in the district has replaced 1,613 meters since January 2023 with 16 this month.

On April 20,2024, the district started to receive calls about odor in the water.  Extra testing was performed and even though a few of the samples did have odor the testing showed the water was safe to drink and passed all required tests.

Please remember to call Si Enviro first, if you have an outside water leak.

Click here to view Projects Under Construction and Design.

Brazos River at Richmond Forecasted to Crest at 45.2′ on Saturday, May 11th: Pecan Grove MUD Monitoring Conditions Closely

The current flood gauge depth for the Brazos River at Richmond (at US 90 bridge) is 43.9’, as of Thursday May 9, 2024. The National Weather Service’s current forecast is for the Brazos River to crest at 45.2’ (gauge depth) on Saturday May 11th. For reference, the record crest at Richmond is 55.2’ during Hurricane Harvey in 2017.

The forecasted crest gauge depth translates to a crest elevation of approximately 75’ (above mean sea level) at Pecan Grove MUD’s main outfall channel at FM 359. This elevation is approximately 10’ below the banks of the outfall channel, and approximately 15’ below the top of the Pecan Grove Levee (see below). There is currently no concern that the Brazos River will impact homes inside the Pecan Grove levee.

There is a forecast for approximately 2” of rain on Sunday, but the PGMUD internal drainage system has adequate capacity to handle this rainfall without concern.

PGMUD is actively monitoring conditions of the Brazos River. Currently, our Operator and Engineer are performing daily inspections of our facilities. We will keep our residents informed with any new updates.



UPDATE: Addressing Taste and Odor Concerns

Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District “PGMUD” has received the preliminary sample report from the 3rd party lab, Water Utility Services, Inc.  All samples were within permit, but 3 of the 27 samples did have a slight odor.  To view the report, click here.

This afternoon the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality “TCEQ” visited PGMUD to complete a site inspection of the water plants and pull their own samples throughout the distribution system.  They spent 3-4 hours in the district and found no abnormalities.  A few samples were taken back to their lab for further testing.  A formal report will be issued.

PMGUD general permit requires residuals to be no lower than 0.5 and no higher than 4.0 total chloramine.  Based on the Water Utility Services report, samples fall within permit range.

To move water through the system, Si Enviro heavily flushed water mains Sunday through Wednesday. The number of calls we have received today has decreased considerably, but if you are still experiencing odor in your water, please contact customer service at 281-238-5000 or 832-490-1601.

PGMUD wants to reiterate that your drinking water continues to meet or exceed all federal and state regulations and is safe to drink.

Addressing Taste and Odor Concerns: Pecan Grove MUD’s Commitment to Water Quality and Safety

Water Quality Concerns:

Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District “PGMUD” is aware of the current concerns related to taste and odor in our water system.

All required state drinking water samples taken to date meet or exceed both the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality “TCEQ” and EPA drinking water standards. In an effort to look into the concerns, PGMUD is currently collecting additional drinking water samples for analysis by a third party lab.

PGMUD wants to reiterate that your drinking water continues to meet or exceed all federal and state regulations and is safe to drink.

NOTICE! Meeting Location Change

The April 30, 2024, PGMUD meeting location will now be held upstairs at Pecan Grove Country Club at 3:30 p.m.

This change is due to the number of residents who have expressed an interest in attending the meeting and the fact that there were over 100 residents at the April 17, 2024, meeting.

Please help inform other residents of this change.

Meeting of April 17, 2024

Over 100 residents attended the special Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District meeting on April 17,2024 at the PGMUD Administration/Community building.  After opening the meeting board president, Ryan Yokubaitis, opened the floor to public comments.  Approximately 15 resident expressed their support for PGMUD to purchase the land owned by the current Pecan Grove Country Club along with the club building (plus the pool, tennis courts and workout building).  As communicated previously, the current plan is for the club building and the golf course would then be leased by the group known as “The Club at Pecan Grove” (TCPG).  TCPG would operate the club and golf course as a separate entity.  Because of the PGMUD ownership, the Pecan Grove resident would be offered preferential memberships and rates at all facilities.

The PGMUD board then went into executive session and upon coming out of executive session voted to submit a Letter of Intent to Purchase (including an earnest money contract) to the current owners of Pecan Grove Country Club.

The Club at Pecan Grove and Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District

Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District (PGMUD) has become involved in the possible acquisition of Pecan Grove Country Club (PGCC).  The current owners of (PGCC) are in negotiations to sell the assets of the club to new owners.  A group of current members, The Club at Pecan Grove (TCPG), was looking to buy the assets if they could raise the capital to complete a deal.  The sale was not a certainty and the continued viability of PGCC or its successor is of major importance for our neighborhood.  If the current owners are unable to sell it, there is concern that it might be abandoned.  This would have very negative effect on property values in Pecan Grove subdivision.  The value of homes and property could decline by 10% to 20%, according to the Matheson and Associates, the financial advisor to PGMUD.

Something similar happened to the Quail Valley Country Club course several years ago and the impact on values was so substantial that Missouri City stepped in, bought the course and renovated it and the increase in property values has more than made up for the previous impact.

PGMUD is proposing to buy just the physical assets of PGCC and make arrangements for TCPG to manage those assets along with the membership.  Currently this acquisition is on going and will take several months to come to realization.  PGMUD will provide updates periodically in this website.

Highlights of Pecan Grove MUD Meeting – March 26, 2024

The regular monthly meeting of the Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District was held at the Pecan Grove Community/Administration building at 12:30 p.m. on March 26, 2024. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 30, 2024, in the PGMUD Community/Administration building at 3:30 p.m.

Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office
Monthly Contract Report for March 2024

PGVFD Report – March 2024

Parks Report

A dedication service for the bench commemorating Joe Woolley’s service to Pecan Grove was held on Saturday, March 30, 2024. Chief Woolley served Pecan Grove as Fire Chief for many years and was highly instrumental in making Pecan Grove Volunteer Fire Department a highly professional organization and in protecting our subdivision and our residents from danger. The bench is located between the fire station and the PGMUD administration building.

The first stationary workout fixtures for the West end of the Park are on order.

Some additional trees for Pecan Grove Park on Pitts Road were planted the last week of March to shade the new walking trail.

A new remote operated gate for Pecan Grove Park is on order.

Operator’s Report – Si Environmental, LLC

February 2024 testing showed that the drinking water system met the state and federal compliance standard for disinfection and there were no permit excursions for the month.
At the SWTP the ClO2 batch tank B replacement is in process. On Filter Skid C a total of 4 membranes have been delivered; the annual GAC exchange was completed on February 5.

The sanitary sewer manhole survey is in process.

The following repairs or replacements are in process or completed: a portable generator for the lift stations is on order with delivery in 6-7 months; replacement of the guide rail system at the WWTP is complete; at the WWTP the incoming potable water backflow replacement as well as the chlorine regulator are in process.

The inspection for district lines containing lead and or copper (pre-1989) mandated by the EPA has begun and must be completed by October 16, 2024. We can anticipate that the lead and copper lines will have to replaced, but we don’t know the extent of the problem, nor has the EPA provided a time line for addressing replacement.

New actions needed include: replacement of the thickner torque monitor at the SWTP as well as replacing 3 weatherization boxes and replacing check valves on the booster pumps at Water Plant #3.

The program to replace high usage residence meters in the district has replaced 1,597 meters since January 2023 with 66 this month.

Please remember to call Si Enviro first, if you have an outside water leak.

Click here to view Projects Under Construction and Design.

Fix a Leak Week

Fix a Leak Week is taking place from March 18th to 24th! This annual event is a fantastic opportunity for all of us to take action and make a positive impact by reducing water waste in our homes.

Did you know that even a small leak can waste thousands of gallons of water each year? By addressing leaks promptly, we can make a significant difference in water conservation efforts.

With Spring approaching, let’s be proactive! Let Fix a Leak Week remind you to get that dripping faucet, running toilet, or hidden pipe leak fixed.

You can pick up your free toilet leak detector tablets in the office.

Highlights of Pecan Grove MUD Meeting – February 27, 2024

The regular monthly meeting of the Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District was held at the Pecan Grove Community/Administration building at 3:30 p.m. on January 30, 2024. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 26, 2024, in the PGMUD Community/Administration building at 12:30 p.m.

Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office
Monthly Contract Report for February 2024

PGVFD Report – February 2024

Parks Report

The flags at Memorial and Pecan Grove Park have been replaced.

The first stationary workout fixtures for the West end of the Park are on order.

The bench commemorating Joe Wooley’s service to Pecan Grove still needs final lettering.

The additional trees for the park will be a mix of Fort Bend County donated trees and purchased so that we can get viable and aesthetic trees.  Planting should occur in March

A new remote operated gate for Pecan Grove Park is on order and will be installed soon.

Operator’s Report – Si Environmental, LLC

January 2024 testing showed that the drinking water system met the state and federal compliance standard for disinfection and there were no permit excursions for the month.

At the SWTP the ClO2 batch tank B replacement is in process as well as the replacement of the peak cap bearings and shaft set collars for the idler shaft in the rectangular collector. On Filter Skid C a total of 4 membranes have been delivered; the annual GAC exchange was completed on February 5.

The replacement of the sidewalk along Plantation Drive In front of Memorial Park is complete.

The sanitary sewer manhole survey is in process.

The following repairs or replacements are in process: a portable generator for the lift stations is on order with delivery in 6-7 months; replacement of the guide rail system at the WWTP is pending;

Replacement of 2 sulfur dioxide scales at the WWTP as well as the #1 sludge pump at the WWTP is complete.  The WWTP the incoming potable water backflow will be replaced as well as the chlorine regulator.

The inspection for district lines containing lead and or copper (pre- 1989) mandated by the EPA should begin in March.

Replacement of Pump #1 and #2 for Lift Station #5 are in process.

The annual maintenance shutdown of the SWTP has been completed.

The program to replace high usage residence meters in the district has replaced 1,531 meters since January 2023 with 46 this month.

Please remember to call Si Enviro first, if you have an outside water leak.

Click here to view Projects Under Construction and Design.

Voting Location: Administration Building

Pecan Grove MUD’s Admin building will be a voting location for the Fort Bend County elections.

El edificio administrative de Pecan Grove MUD será un lugar de votaciòn para las elecciones del condado de Fort Bend.

Highlights of Pecan Grove MUD Meeting – January 30, 2024

The regular monthly meeting of the Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District was held at the Pecan Grove Community/Administration building at noon on January 30, 2024. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 27, 2024, in the PGMUD Community/Administration building at 3:30 p.m.

Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office
Monthly Contract Report for  January 2024

PGVFD Report –  January 2024

Auditor’s Report

McGrath & Co., PLLC reported that their limited audit provided “reasonable assurance” that the financial statements as a whole of the District for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023, are “free from material misstatement”. A copy of the audit has been posted to the district’s website.

Parks Report

The first stationary workout fixtures for the West end of the Park are on order. The Pour and Place surface will be installed in the near future.

The bench commemorating Joe Wooley’s service to Pecan Grove needs final lettering and landscaping.

The additional trees for the park will be a mix of Fort Bend County donated trees and purchased trees so that we can get viable and aesthetic trees.

A new remote operated gate for Pecan Grove Park is on order and should be installed this winter.

Chain link backstops at PG Park have been replaced as well as lights and outlets at Memorial Park.

Operator’s Report – Si Environmental, LLC

December 2023 testing showed that the drinking water system met the state and federal compliance standard for disinfection and there were no permit excursions for the month.

At the SWTP the sludge thickener drive repair is complete, as well as the replacement of the 3” backflow device for the raw water canons and the 4” backflow for the belt press. On Filter Skids A and B a total of 6 membranes have been delivered; the South Stormwater Pump Station #4 pump is repaired.

At Water Plant #1 Booster Pump #3 motor has been repaired as well as #4 pump. The motor repair for #4 pump is in process.

Sidewalk at Bullhead and Farmer Road has been replace and the replacement of the sidewalk at Memorial Park is in process.

The sanitary sewer manhole survey is in process.

The following repairs or replacements are in process: a portable generator for the lift stations is on order with delivery in 8-9 months; replacement of the guide rail system at the WWTP is in process; replacement of the damaged ClO2 tank at the WWTP; replacement of 2 sulfur dioxide scales at the WWTP as well as the #1 sludge pump at the WWTP.

The board authorized Si Enviro to replace Pump #1 and #2 for Lift Station #5 as well as the ClO2 Mixer Generator at the SWTP; to buy 4 membrane modules for Skid C at the SWTP; to buy collars and bearings for the idler shaft of the SWTP rectangular collector for the annual maintenance shutdown at that plant.

The annual maintenance shutdown of the SWTP has started and will take most of February. Before the shutdown, GM Services completed performance testing of all the district’s wells with no problems noted.

At the end of January the SWTP will be taken off line for annual maintenance and the district will draw all its source water from our wells

The program to replace high usage residence meters in the district has replaced 1,342 meters this year with 32 this month.

Please remember to call Si Enviro first, if you have an outside water leak.

Click here to view Projects Under Construction and Design.


As part of the District’s continuing efforts to provide the most comprehensive flood protection for Pecan Grove residents, the District has authorized KM Surveying to obtain actual elevations of the foundations for each residential property located within the boundaries of the levee.  Over the next several weeks, the surveyors will be in the District to obtain this topographic information.  They will be obtaining elevations at front doors and will not need access to any structures or backyards.

This information will be used by the District as part of a comprehensive drainage model to investigate ways that drainage inside the levee can be improved.

Should you have any questions regarding the surveyors or how the information will be used, please contact the District at (281) 238-5000 or send an email to

Garbage Service Suspended for Today

Attention!!! Pecan Grove!

Garbage Service have been suspended for Monday, January 15th.

GFL, our waste collection company, has ceased all trash collections effective at noon today due to the weather conditions.

Regular collections will resume on Thursday, January 18th.

Thank you for your cooperation.