It’s possible you’ve heard rumblings about a change in the source of Pecan Grove’s water supply. Maybe you’ve even seen the words “surface water conversion” used in communication pieces we’ve sent your way or within articles in local news sources.
It is true. Over the next twenty years, and probably beyond, this area will make necessary changes to supplement our current water sources. The Pecan Grove MUD Board members are committed to communicating these changes with our residents – prior to, and throughout that conversion process.
Where is our current water source?
Our drinking water is drawn from wells drilled into the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers beneath the earth’s surface. This type of water source is commonly referred to as “groundwater”.
Is there a problem with this groundwater source? Why the consideration to convert to surface water (ex: lakes, rivers)?
The conversion is not a consideration. It is a mandate by the Fort Bend Subsidence District (FBSD) – an entity created by the Texas Legislature in 1989 “to provide for the regulation of the withdrawal of groundwater within the District to prevent subsidence that contributes to flooding, inundation, or overflow of areas within the District…”
Fort Bend has been, and continues to be, one of the fastest growing counties in the United States, and with continued population growth (census numbers tracked an increase of 800 percent in 35 years, from 50,000 in 1970 to over 400,000 in 2005) the threat of additional subsidence is all too real. In fact, in some areas within Fort Bend’s boundaries, the land has dropped as much as five feet since 1906.
It is as a result of these incidents and concerns over the threat of additional subsidence in the future that the FBSD Regulatory Plan was adopted in 2003. This plan mandates that areas of Fort Bend County (including Pecan Grove) reduce their groundwater pumpage by 30% by 2013 and 60% by 2025. Failure to meet these requirements by the listed deadlines will result in severe disincentive fees. Your Pecan Grove MUD Board of Directors is committed to meeting all conversion dates and providing the best and most cost-efficient supplemental surface water source(s) possible.
Be assured that as those options are discussed and decisions are made, we will pass that information onto you. You are always welcome to attend our monthly board meetings (generally held the last Tuesday of each month), and the latest information will also be communicated to you via our quarterly newsletter and this website.
Will this affect our water prices?
The short answer…yes. The days of dirt cheap water will soon be history. For years, our water rates have remained well below those living in the rest of the country and even the City of Houston.
You may have already noticed a new line item fee (of $0.26 per thousand gallons of water used) on your most recent bills. As explained in the communication you received within the last bill prior to that change, this fee is necessary to help offset the cost of past and current surface water conversion related expenses, such as the ongoing cost of the surface water contract. For a typical water user of 10,000 gallons/month, this will result in a monthly increase of $2.60.
A rise in your usage rates will also be seen as plans are put into place and initial conversion dates are met, but comparatively, your bills will still be very reasonable…and still less than those living in the City of Houston.
What can I do to curb costs?
Conserve, conserve, conserve! It is not only a great way to keep a water bill down, but it’s really the responsibility of us all to protect and preserve our precious water sources. This mandated conversion is a wake-up call. We should all do our part to ensure clean and plentiful future water supplies for our community. By following some of the simple tips outlined in the “Conservation” section of this website, you can begin to make the changes today that will benefit you, your family and your community in the future.