Engineering Report
Engineering Matters
Sink hole – A Sink Hole has formed at the bottom of one of the outfall pipes into the Grove 4 & 5 detention basin. CDC has provided a quote of $19,800 to fill and compact the problem.
Projects Under Construction
Main Channel Backslope Swale Rehabilitation
Project is essentially complete awaiting closeout in August.
Interior Ladders for Raw Water Tanks
Contractor has mobilized and is fabricating the ladder for installation in the Eastern raw water tanks at the surface water treatment plant.
Generators for Water Plant No. 1 and Water Well No. 5
Project includes installing natural gas generators for the water plant located on Pitts Road and the remote water well located near Austin Elementary. Contract awarded the project to WW Payton. Notice to Proceed has been issued and generators have been ordered by the Contractor. Concrete pads for generators are complete. Current shipment delivery for the generators is August 2022.
Levee Property Acquisition
Project has been awarded to Greenscapes for the fencing installation and landscaping project. Waiting on Greenscapes to return contract.
Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation
Project consists of rehabilitation of existing sanitary sewer lines within the District. Notice to Proceed was issued on July 22, 2022. The contract is 180 days.
Ramp in Pecan Grove Park
Plans are updated per agency recommendations and have been resubmitted. Odyssey advertised for bids, but none were received. The solicitation list is being updated and bids will be requested again.
Projects Under Design
Surface Water Plant Driveway Modifications
Construction plans were fully approved in August 2021. Odyssey has reached out to FBC for status of Brandt Road Extension between Skinner Land and Mason Road.
Additional Engineering Items
Engineers will update the district’s Flood Damage Prevention Order and submit to the board for approval.
Fort Bend County is preparing to advertise for bids for the construction project that includes the sidewalk and ramp improvements at Plantation and Old South and Plantation and Pitts.