Engineering Updates – January 26, 2021

Report from the District Engineer (Odyssey Engineering Group)


Electrical Improvements and Generator at Water Plant No. 2

The District is updating the electrical system including installation of a new generator at water plant no. 2 (located near the elevated storage tank).

Project is complete pending installation of new natural gas meter from Centerpoint to the facility.  Once that is installed, Contractor will finalize punchlist items and project will be closed out.

Improvements at Water Plant No. 3

The District is modifying the pumps and piping system at water plant no. 3 (located at the end of Willow Bend Dr.).

Construction on the project is underway and expected to be completed in Spring 2021.


Automatic Transfer Switch for Water Plant 1 & Water Well 5

Project includes installation of necessary components to allow the connection of a portable generator to provide electricity to the facilities, if the electrical grid is not providing the required electricity.

Bids were received on January 21, 2021.  Three bids were submitted with the low bidder being McDonald Electric, which is the same contractor that worked on Water Plant No. 2 Electrical Improvements. Their bid is $52,469.00.  District awarded the contract to McDonald Electric.

Epoxy Repairs on Structural Levee

Project includes re-grouting and applying of epoxy to maintain the structural levee walls in the District.

Coatings inspection has been completed which indicated that ants were the primary reason for the epoxy degradation.  District will perform ant treatment on levee and rehabilitation will include a pesticide to prevent this from occurring in the future.

Project is currently out for bid which will be presented to the Board at the February 2021 meeting.

Bullhead Slough – Phase Two

Project will dredge and rehabilitate the side slopes of the portion of Bullhead Slough between Oyster Creek and Farmer Road.

Contractor has begun construction on the project. Residents are reminded that this is an active heavy construction site.  DO NOT enter construction site at any time.  Unauthorized access to the construction area places the unauthorized visitor and construction crews at risk.

Main Channel Clean Out – Phase Two and Three

Project includes dredging of the main drainage channel between Pitts Road and Plantation Road and the South Pump Station, located at F.M. 359

Construction operations expected to commence in February 2021.

Administration Building

Project includes construction of an administration building to serve the District and community at the southern edge of Pecan Grove Park on Pitts Road (adjacent to the PGVFD south station).

Modifications to the floor plan for the building are being finalized and plans will be submitted for local agency approval in early February 2021. Construction is expected to commence in early 2021, pending agency permits.

Sanitary Sewer Smoke Testing and Televising

District authorized Odyssey and EDP to proceed with the budgeted smoke testing and televising of older sections of sanitary sewer collection system to determine if any structural issues exist in the system.

District authorized Odyssey to received bids for the smoke testing and televising for the following areas of the District:

  • Plantation Sections 6, 9, 12 & 22
  • Greens Sections 1 & 2
  • Rock Fence Dr. and Bittersweet Dr. (Plantation Sections 4 & 5)
  • Plantation Place
  • Lakeside Dr. (Pecan Lakes, Section 2)

Prior to activities, which is expected to begin in Spring 2021, residents will be notified.

Surface Water Plant Driveway Modifications

Due to Fort Bend County’s planned extension of Brandt Road and planned intersection modifications of Brandt Road and Skinner Lane, the District’s driveway to the surface water treatment plant must be modified to accommodate future access.  The District will be reimbursed for engineering and construction costs of these modifications.  Modifications include relocation of driveway, access gate and related fencing and electrical work to accommodate new entry location.

Construction plans will be submitted for operator and agency review in February 2021.


AT&T Damage to District Facilities

Odyssey continues to work with AT&T regarding the unauthorized access and installation of fiber optic lines in the levee.  District will repair the areas damaged with expected reimbursement from AT&T.

American Water Infrastructure Act

As required by the American Water Infrastructure Act, the District is required to prepare a risk and resiliency analysis and emergency response plan to the EPA.  District will follow the template provided by American Water Works Association and submit to EPA as required by federal law.