Main Channel Rehabilitation
The District is rehabilitating the south bank of Main Channel at its confluence with Jones Creek. During Harvey a portion of this bank eroded causing cavities behind some of the existing slope paving. Repairs will include rebuilding the slope, installation of an erosion control mat, and grout filing behind the void under the existing slope paving. The District has obtained approval from FEMA for this project.
Construction has commenced and expected to continue into January 2020.
Jones Creek Slope Rehabilitation
Construction has commenced on the Jones Creek Slope Rehabilitation project, which consists of installation of gabion basket erosion protection system along the west side of Pecan Lakes, adjacent to Jones Creek. The project should be completed in the first half of 2020.
Residents are reminded that this is an active heavy construction site. DO NOT enter construction site at any time. There has been unauthorized access to the construction area which places the unauthorized visitor and construction crews at risk.
Drainage Improvements to serve Victoria Garden Drive
The District is replacing the existing storm sewer from the intersection of Victoria Garden Drive and Old South Drive to the outfall into Bullhead Slough with a larger storm sewer to improve drainage in the area.
Project is nearly complete. The District appreciates the residents’ patience during construction and the road closures.
Culvert Rehabilitation at Mayweather
Construction has commenced on the rehabilitation of existing culverts on the west side of Mayweather, where they discharge into Main Channel, in addition to minor slope paving repairs.
Project is complete.
Levee Drainage Improvements adjacent to Harvest Green
Construction has commenced on improvements to the drainage of the outside toe of the levee adjacent to the Harvest Green development. This project will clear out the trees and vegetation that prevents adequate drainage on the toe of the levee.
Contractor has completed clearing operations and has started grading of the new swales and drainage improvements. Construction is expected to last through January 2020.
Improvements to Raw Water Tanks at Surface Water Treatment Plant
The District will install a floating mixer in each of the raw water storage tanks at the Surface Water Treatment Plant located off Skinner Road. The mixers will create constant movement in the raw water to limit sediment from settling to the bottom of the tank. In addition, stairs and walkways will be installed as part of this project to improve operator access to the tanks.
Notice to proceed has been issued and materials have been ordered by Contractor. Construction at the Surface Water Treatment Plant is expected to commence in January 2020.
Mason Road Levee Improvements
The District is working on raising the levee along Mason Road from the intersection of FM 359, north along Mason Road, then east along Oyster Creek to Farmers Road. Plans include adding up to an additional one (1) foot of height to the levee between Pecan Grove Plantation Country Club and Farmer Road where it crosses Oyster Creek. Project will include adjustments to the existing parking lot at Belin Park which will include new paving in portions of the parking lot.
Project was awarded to TLC Construction. Construction is expected to comment in February 2020. Construction schedule will impact parking at the Belin Park. District will update residents as information is available.
North Pump Station Improvements
The District is improving the access to the north pump station by adjusting the headwall and grading modifications. Project also includes automation of the pumps based on level of water in Bullhead Slough.
Project is currently under design and construction is currently planned for mid-2020.
South Pump Station Automation
The District is updating the electrical system to allow for the pumps at the south pump station to automatically turn on or off based on the water level in the main channel.
District is working to obtain construction bids for the project. Construction is expected to commence in early 2020.
Electrical Improvements and Generator at Water Plant No. 2
The District is updating the electrical system including installation of a new generator at water plant no. 2 (located near the elevated storage tank).
Design is underway and expected to be completed shortly with construction anticipated in early 2020.
Improvements at Water Plant No. 3
The District is modifying the pumps and piping system at water plant no. 3 (located at the end of Willow Bend Dr.).
Design is underway and expected to be completed shortly. Construction anticipated in early 2020.
South Pump Station Access Road Improvements
The District is improving the access road to the south pump station to install a concrete driveway.
Design is underway and expected to be completed in 4th Quarter 2019 with construction anticipated in early 2020.
Rehabilitation of Lift Station 7
The District is rehabilitating and updating the electrical controls at Lift Station No. 7. The pumps, concrete wet well, valves, electrical components and other appurtenances have reached the design life.
Project has been awarded to Gilleland Smith and construction is expected to commence in early 2020.