Engineering Updates – August 27, 2020

Report From Justin Ring, Odyssey Engineering Group


Bullhead Slough Rehabilitation

The District is dredging silt out of Bullhead Slough and rehabilitating the side slopes which have eroded over time. Project includes installing ShoreSox product at the water’s edge to stabilize and prevent future erosion. Project includes eastern and middle sections of Bullhead. Rehabilitation of the western section of Bullhead will be performed in the future.

Contractor is complete with shore stabilization portion of the project and is approximately 50% complete with dredging operations.

Residents are reminded that this will be an active heavy construction site. DO NOT enter construction site at any time. Unauthorized access to the construction area places the unauthorized visitor and construction crews at risk.

Jones Creek Slope Rehabilitation

Construction is complete! The District wishes to thank the residents of Pecan Lakes for their understanding and patience during the construction of this project. The Contractor, Texas Wall & Landscape, did a great job in meeting the project goals and the project timeline.

Improvements to Raw Water Tanks at Surface Water Treatment Plant

The District is installing a floating mixer in each of the raw water storage tanks at the Surface Water Treatment Plant located off Skinner Road. The mixers create constant movement in the raw water to limit sediment from settling to the bottom of the tank. In addition, stairs and walkways are being installed as part of this project to improve operator access to the tanks.

Project is under construction. Sediment in the west tank will be removed in August and catwalk assembly will begin once that is complete.

South Pump Station Automation

The District is updating the electrical system to allow for the pumps at the south pump station to automatically turn on or off based on the water level in the main channel.

Project is complete.

Electrical Improvements and Generator at Water Plant No. 2

The District is updating the electrical system including installation of a new generator at water plant no. 2 (located near the elevated storage tank).

Construction has commenced; therefore, Water Plant No. 2 is currently non-operational due to construction activity. Due to improvements from Centerpoint that are required for the project, the plant is expected to placed back into service in later September/early October.

Improvements at Water Plant No. 3

The District is modifying the pumps and piping system at water plant no. 3 (located at the end of Willow Bend Dr.).

Notice to Proceed has been issued. Contractor is ordering the necessary components and construction is expected to begin once Water Plant No. 2 is back online.

North Pump Station Improvements

The District is improving the access to the north pump station by adjusting the headwall and grading modifications. Project also includes automation of the pumps based on level of water in Bullhead Slough.

Construction activity onsite has commenced. The contractor has completed the headwall that will improve operational access to the pump station and is currently grading the site.