Drainage Improvements on F.M. 359
The District has completed construction of sluice gates at key locations within the drainage system for Farm-to-Market Road 359 (FM 359). The gates are located on the existing drainage system at the northern end of the drainage system, between the intersections of FM 359/Mason Road and at FM 359 and Plantation Drive, and at the southern end of the drainage system, located south of the Campanile at Jones Creek apartments.
Construction Update for Levee Extension around Plantation 4 & 5 Detention Basin
The District has completed construction of the extension of the levee around the Plantation 4 & 5 Detention Basin. This project placed the existing detention basin inside the boundaries of the levee providing the same level of flood protection as the rest of Pecan Grove and built the new levee on the north and the east boundaries of the basin without impacting the existing levee.
Flap Gates on South Pump Station
The District has replaced the existing flap gates located on the west side of FM 359 at the South Pump Station. The original flap gates had reached their anticipated life span. The new flap gates are constructed of stainless steel to provide long lasting service and protection to the residents of Pecan Grove.
Motor Control Center (MCC) Update for Water Plant No. 2
District is updating the electrical controls for water plant no. 2 (located adjacent to the elevated storage tank on Mason Road). The existing control center has reached the anticipated design life and the technology is outdated. The District is updating the control center to current regulations utilizing technology that will seamlessly interface with the other District facilities.
The project will be publicly advertised in May with expected notice to proceed in July 2019.
Bent Creek Court Drainage Improvements
The District will install a flap gate on the storm sewer outfall pipe that drains Bent Creek Court into the Main Channel located south of the cul-de-sac. When water in the main channel gets high, this flap gate will prevent water from backing up into Bent Creek Court.
Construction is expected to commence in May 2019.
Raw Water Mixing System
The District will install a floating mixer in each of the raw water storage tanks at the Surface Water Treatment Plant located off of Skinner Road. The mixers will create constant movement in the raw water to limit sediment from settling to the bottom of the tank. In addition, stairs and walkways will be installed as part of this project to improve operator access to the tanks. Bids are scheduled to be received at the end of May 2019.
Combined Filter Effluent at Surface Water Treatment Plant
The District will install an additional turbidity meter that measures and records the filtered water effluent turbidity levels from all the membrane filter units that are in operation.
Turbidity measures the clarity of water. This meter will assist operators in regulating the levels to meet or exceed TCEQ criteria for drinking water. The district operator is in the process of buying the meter and installing the unit.
Lift Station No. 4 Rehabilitation
The district is in the process of rehabilitating and updating the electrical controls at Lift Station No. 4. This lift station is located on Old South Drive and was constructed in 1992.
The pumps, concrete wetwell, valves, electrical components and other appurtenances have reached the design life. The Contractor is currently working on this project and expected a completion date of August 2019.
Levee Drainage Improvements adjacent to Harvest Green
The District is working with the developer of Harvest Green to improve the drainage of the outside toe of the levee within the Harvest Green development. Drainage and grading improvements include grading improvements to ensure that the Harvest Green community drains away from the levee as well as new and clearly defined drainage swales to drain any rain that falls on the levee away from the toe. Phase one of the project has been completed with Phase Two expected to commence construction in the Summer of 2019.
Mason Road Levee Improvements
The District is working on raising the levee along Mason Road from the intersection of FM 359, north along Mason Road, then east along Oyster Creek to Farmers Road. The levee will be raised up to an additional 1.5’ in some areas. Plans are currently under design and construction will commence Fall 2019.
Main Channel Rehabilitation
The District is rehabilitating the south bank of Main Channel at its confluence with Jones Creek. During Harvey a portion of this bank eroded causing cavities behind portions of the existing slope paving. Repairs will commence in two phases, the first being immediate filling of the voids and the second phase consisting of slope repair and stabilization. The District will be seeking FEMA reimbursement for portions of this work. Plans are currently under design with Phase One construction commencing in May 2019 and Phase Two construction commencing later in 2019.
Jones Creek Slope Rehabilitation
The District has begun the engineering for the Jones Creek Slope Rehabilitation project, which consists of installation of gabion basket system along the west side of Pecan Lakes, adjacent to Jones Creek. Plans are currently under design and the District seeking government funding for a portion of the construction project.