Engineer’s Report
Projects Under Construction
Programming Updates for the Surface Water Treatment Plant
Project includes upgrading the automation and computer components of the plant, including all necessary programming.
Contractor is under construction with the upgraded components. Current schedule has the Contractor completed by the end of 2024. Board approved Pay Request No. 1 for $159,570.00.
Belt Press Upgrades at Surface Water Treatment Plant
Project includes upgrading the belt press at the surface water treatment plant to allow for consistent operation and reduce the overall run time of the process.
Notice to proceed was issued on September 9, 2024. Contractor and Engineer are working through submittals. Expected construction schedule is as follows:
- Mobilization on site – 1st Quarter 2025
- Substantial Completion – Early 2nd Quarter 2025
- Final Completion Later 2nd Quarter 2025.
Levee Repairs at 1603 Savannah
Project includes removing a large tree which is dying located at the toe of the existing levee, backfilling and repairing the levee, as necessary, and installation of swing gates to facilitate maintenance.Project is complete. Board approved Pay Request No. 1 & Final in the amount of $5,000.00.
Wastewater Treatment Electrical Improvements & Generator Replacement
Project includes update of the control panel and related electrical system at the wastewater treatment plant as well as replacement of the existing generator.
Generator has been delivered and installed on the site. Contractor still waiting on control center delivery. Existing diesel generator is still onsite and operational.
South Pump Station Generator
Project includes replacement of existing diesel generator at the South Pump Station.
Contractor has completed preliminary site work. Generator has been delivered to the wastewater treatment plant until ready for installation as Centerpoint is currently upgrading the natural gas service line to accommodate the new generators. Board approved Pay Request No. 3 in the amount of $564,939.00.x`
Elevated Storage Tank and Surface Water Plant Recoating
Project includes recoating of elevated storage tank and components of the surface water treatment plant. Recoating of the elevated storage tank will include the Pecan Grove graphic on both the north and south facing sides.
Contractor is working at both the elevated storage site and the surface water treatment plant. There are minor repairs required at the surface water treatment plant and the Contractor is coordination with the Operator on these repairs. Contractor is on schedule to be complete by the end of 2024. Board approved Pay Request No. 3 in the amount of $124,52400.
Storm Sewer Outfall Rehabilitation
Project includes repair and/or replacement of many storm sewer outfalls throughout the District based on inspections. Project is on hold due to storm clean up; however, expected to restart in October 2024. Board approved Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $5,871.00 for additional televising required for outfall pipes.
Projects Under Design
South Pump Station Headwall Modification and Redundant Closure Devices
Project includes modification of headwall structure for the South Stormwater pump station to allow for the design and installation of back up closure devices. Project has received approval from City of Richmond and Fort Bend County Drainage District and is with Fort Bend County Engineer for final approval.
North Pump Station Redundant Closure Devices
Project includes design and installation of back up closure devices at the North Pump Station. Project has received approval from City of Richmond and Fort Bend County Drainage District and is with Fort Bend County Engineer for final approval.
Waterline Rehabilitation – Phase Two
Project includes replacement of aging waterline infrastructure within Plantation, Section One with additional location of Mayweather Lane between Plantation Drive and Morton League Road. Engineer presented proposed schedule for the project, which includes construction commencing in 1st Quarter 2025. Board authorized Engineer to advertise for construction with expectation to present to the Board at the November 2024 meeting.
2024-2025 Capital Improvement Projects
Board authorized Engineer to begin design on the following projects as part of the 2024-2025 Budgeted Capital Improvement Projects:
- WWTP Belt Press Replacement
- Project Description: The belt press at the District’s WWTP was replaced in 2012 and is reaching its design life. In addition, electrical and other special parts are becoming obsolete making them costly and time consuming to locate and replace. It is recommended to replace the belt press with another one of the same size along with new controls.
- CIP includes professional services with construction scheduled for Fiscal Year 2025-2026.
- Recoating of Hydropneumatic Tanks (HPTs) at Water Plant No. 1
- Project Description: This project provides recoatings for the interior and exterior of the two (2) hydropneumatics tanks at Water Plant No. 1, including minor rehabilitation and replacement of interior components that may have deteriorated.
- CIP includes construction and professional services.
- Construction Budget: $100,000
- Professional Services Budget: $20,000
- Jones Creek Gabion Basket Repairs
- Project Description: During Hurricane Beryl minor damage was sustained to the gabion baskets along Jones Creek. It includes two small sink holes as well damage sustained when a tree from the western bank fell and landed on the baskets. Project includes the necessary repair work to replace the damaged baskets as well as backfill the sink holes to prevent further erosion.
- CIP includes construction and professional services.
- Construction Budget: $50,000
- Professional Services Budget: $10,000
Additional Engineering Items
TCEQ Exception Request for Water Well No. 1and Water Well No.
Operator and Engineer have been working with the TCEQ to address historical water quality data for water wells no. 1 and 2, located on site at Water Plant No. 1.
- Water Well No. 1
- Water Well No. 1 was known to produce sand which is the primary reason to remain out of operation
- During start up of well, Water Well No. 1 did not start.
- Well motor tripped and gate valves was cracked.
- Engineer and Operator recommend that the District plug and abandon well at an estimated cost of $70,000.
- Water Well No. 2
- Was able to operate and after flushing system, samples were taken
- Engineer and Operator recommend televising water well at an estimated cost of $9,000
Feasibility for Development at Brandt Road and Mason Road
The District received presentations from the proposed commercial development located at the corner of Brandt Road and Mason Road. The Board asked several questions of the potential developers focusing on development standards, quality of construction and potential impacts to the district. The Board did not take any action on the proposed development.