Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District “PGMUD” has received the preliminary sample report from the 3rd party lab, Water Utility Services, Inc. All samples were within permit, but 3 of the 27 samples did have a slight odor. To view the report, click here.
This afternoon the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality “TCEQ” visited PGMUD to complete a site inspection of the water plants and pull their own samples throughout the distribution system. They spent 3-4 hours in the district and found no abnormalities. A few samples were taken back to their lab for further testing. A formal report will be issued.
PMGUD general permit requires residuals to be no lower than 0.5 and no higher than 4.0 total chloramine. Based on the Water Utility Services report, samples fall within permit range.
To move water through the system, Si Enviro heavily flushed water mains Sunday through Wednesday. The number of calls we have received today has decreased considerably, but if you are still experiencing odor in your water, please contact customer service at 281-238-5000 or 832-490-1601.
PGMUD wants to reiterate that your drinking water continues to meet or exceed all federal and state regulations and is safe to drink.