The current flood gauge depth for the Brazos River at Richmond (at US 90 bridge) is 43.9’, as of Thursday May 9, 2024. The National Weather Service’s current forecast is for the Brazos River to crest at 45.2’ (gauge depth) on Saturday May 11th. For reference, the record crest at Richmond is 55.2’ during Hurricane Harvey in 2017.
The forecasted crest gauge depth translates to a crest elevation of approximately 75’ (above mean sea level) at Pecan Grove MUD’s main outfall channel at FM 359. This elevation is approximately 10’ below the banks of the outfall channel, and approximately 15’ below the top of the Pecan Grove Levee (see below). There is currently no concern that the Brazos River will impact homes inside the Pecan Grove levee.
There is a forecast for approximately 2” of rain on Sunday, but the PGMUD internal drainage system has adequate capacity to handle this rainfall without concern.
PGMUD is actively monitoring conditions of the Brazos River. Currently, our Operator and Engineer are performing daily inspections of our facilities. We will keep our residents informed with any new updates.