Highlights of Pecan Grove MUD Meeting – November 19, 2024

The regular monthly meeting of the Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District was held at the Pecan Grove Administration Building at 3:30 p.m. on November 19, 2024. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 19, 2024, in the PGMUD Community/Administration building at 5:00 p.m.   This is a week earlier than is typical due to the holidays.

PGMUD and the homeowner’s associations are switching the security coverage from the sheriff’s office to the Precinct 1 Constable’s office. We did not receive statistics for November as only one deputy so far has been working and new schedules and coverage are being worked out.

PGVFD Report – November 2024

Parks Report

In November, Christmas lights were installed in Memorial Park and at the Administration building.  For the holiday lighting season, no parking will be allowed at Windmill Park and in the parking lot of the Club. This should reduce some of the traffic congestion after dark.

The service agreement with Time and Season is being amended to include the maintenance of the tennis courts, swimming pool and workout facility.

Operator’s Report – Si Environmental, LLC

October 2024 testing showed that the drinking water and wastewater systems met the state and federal compliance standards for disinfection and there were no permit excursions for the month.

The replacement of the SWTP Bulk Bleach plus the solenoid valve manifold replacement are complete as is the replacement the low registering meter at Austin Elementary.  The replacement of the basket strainer at the WWTP is complete.

Also, in process are: The replacement of the #1 and #2 check valves at water plant #2, replacement of the 3” mainline valve and bypass plus; and the purchase of 3 new automation valves for the SWTP, replace plus the repair of Lift Station #9 lift pump and repair of the levee gate valve near the club.  The purchase for Water plant #1 of check valves for pumps #3 and #4 are in process.

The fire hydrant repairs plus the painting of 412 hydrants and the replacement of missing or broken blue dots are in process.

Si Environmental requested authorization to replace the CLO2 meter plus repair raw pump #1 and motor and repair of raw motor #2 at the SWTP. Si also asked to buy 23 cameras and 3 door controllers for the SWTP, Club and PG Park.

Breah also reported that she received authorization for emergency replacement of the raw water #3 motor at the SWTP on November 4th.

The program to replace high usage residence meters in the district has replaced 1,650 meters since January 2023 with none this month.

Please remember to call Si Enviro first if you have an outside water leak.

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