The regular monthly meeting of the Pecan Grove Municipal Utility District was held at the Pecan Grove Administration Building at 12:00 p.m. on June 25, 2024. The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 30, 2024, in the PGMUD Community/Administration building at 5:30 p.m.
Fort Bend County Sheriff’s Office
Monthly Contract Report for June 2024
PGVFD Report – June 2024
Parks Report
A picnic table at Pecan Grove Park was replaced due to damage as well as a damaged barbecue pit.
During the recent storm there were six hackberry trees that fell on the west end of Pecan Grove Park. These trees have been removed.
The weather also delayed the installation of the new workout equipment along the walking trail in Pecan Grove Park. Work began on July 1st and should take about seven days to complete.
Operator’s Report – Si Environmental, LLC
May 2024 testing showed that the drinking water system met the state and federal compliance standard for disinfection and there were no permit excursions for the month.
The replacement of the gate at the SWTP is in process and will be reimbursed by Fort Bend County. The repair of the flanged column piping on the High Service Pump is in process as is the replacement of the belt press poly feed system and the High Service Motor #3. Motors #1 and #2 will likely need replacement next year as they are past their warranty periods and were original equipment.
The replacement of the booster check valves #1 and #2 at Water Plant #1 is complete as is the replacement of the 4” incoming potable water RPZ backflow device at the WWTP.
The hand wheel operator at the North storm water pump station replacement is complete.
At Water Plant #1 8” Prop Meter and Totalizer replacement is in process.
The inspection for district lines containing lead and or copper (pre-1989) mandated by the EPA has begun and must be completed by October 16, 2024. Of the 2,580 locations identified, the inspections have been completed on 1,303 or about 50%.
The annual flushing of fire hydrants is complete with 3 hydrants inoperable and a few others needing repairs and the replacement of blue dot hydrant indicators is in process.
The solenoid valve manifold replacement at the SWTP was authorized as was the #3 mixer pump for the sedimentation basin. Fabrication of an additional set of generator chords to allow use of the portable generators at multiple lift stations simultaneously was authorized as well as the replacement of the valve stem on the levee sluice gate behind Randalls.
The program to replace high usage residence meters in the district has replaced 1,628 meters since January 2023 with 2 this month.
The annual Consumer Confidence Report is available on line at the district’s website.
Please remember to call Si Enviro first, if you have an outside water leak.